He then dressed up in his very own Lab Coat, all 100% cotton sateen of it. He does look like a scientist, doesn't he?
How did I do it: This is an extended tunic pattern with added collar stand, collar and button front (It was my first time with collar stand and collar, so I had to use a few, ahem, adjustments).
There were balloons, all silver themed.
How did I do it?
Party Land, asked for Silver themed :-)
The entry door of condominium community club house AKA the Lab was stamped with some lab signs, here is an example.
How did I do it? No rocket science. I got the image from about.com and added my own text, Then I cut yellow construction paper into standard letter size sheets, used my home printer to print the picture. I used shelf liner sheets to stick them to the glass doors.
About.com, free science images link
There were molecules everywhere, of Water.
Look at this hanging from the ceiling, like a drop of water. Who doesnt love Chemistry?
How did I do it? I used Construction Paper of different colors and traced circles using a cup and cut using regular scissors. Exacto knife would have given smoother edges though. I used glue to stick pieces of it together and cut out strips to connect the atoms. Hung up using the wrapping ribbons.
Hanging from the wall above the fireplace was the blackboard, with everything you need to know about science, OK, well not everything, the bare minimum you need to know. The Einstein equation.
How did I do it? I used black construction paper sheet, Chalk, Cut out shapes, and Shelf liner to finish the edges.
Here is the Birthday banner.
How did I do it?
Because of strange shortage of science themed party stuff, everything had to be handmade including the blackboard. So what do I do for the birthday banner, well, I've got it covered. Get a generic banner with balloons in the middle and cut more circles out of construction paper and glue them, they are atoms, silly!
Now, all scientists had to sign up and receive their Lab coats and funny glasses.
I couldn't believe how successful this was. Everybody LOVED receiving their lab coats. It even came with name tags.
Next up! The Mad Science experiments, Food and Cake.
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